Joseph’s Advent

um poema a cada dia vinte e um.

21 de dezembro de 2021

Aproximamo-nos do mistério do grande Adventus; a chegada do Deus Todo-Poderoso, nascido nos braços do bom São José. Contemplemos o coração deste amável filho de David enquanto ele reza ao nosso Pai do céu, preparando-se alegremente para a chegada enigmática do grande Messias.


We approach the mystery of the great Adventus; the arrival of the almighty God, born into the arms of the good St. Joseph. Let us contemplate the heart of this gentle son of David, as he prays to our Father in heaven, joyfully preparing for the enigmatic arrival of the great Messiah.

Joseph’s Advent

It was just this morning when I first felt His touch.
I heard her call my name, telling me to be quick, or I would miss it.
Dropping my tools, I hurried to her room and stood beside her.
With her eyes shining brightly up at me, irradiating a happiness beyond description,
She carefully placed my roughened, calloused hand upon the mystery of New Life.

I waited wordlessly, smiling at the unbridled enthusiasm of this young Mother.
When suddenly, with a delicate yet firm kick upon my hand,
My Savior announced His approaching arrival.
My heart jumped within me, and in my surprise,
I stumbled back a few steps, grinning sheepishly
as her gentle laugh filled the air around us.

Father, I have been waiting so long for Him.
Even as a young boy, my heart ached for the day when He would arrive,
Time and again I burned with the desire to see His face, to hear His voice.
The great and mighty Messiah, He who would unite Heaven and Earth forever,
The Son of Man, whose coming had been whispered in dreams and revealed by angels,
This captivating Miracle, whom I have so long loved and sought…

And now?

Here He is, Father. Quietly resting in His Mother’s womb.
Peacefully preparing the time when He will become our Son.

To be honest, I can’t say that I have understood everything.
You’ve guided me on this path to freedom, faithfully teaching me the mystery of surrender.
I have come such a long way, and yet, there is still such a long way to go.
Even now, I tremble with wonder as the light of a New Beginning approaches,
My spirit rejoices in the breathtaking miracle of our coming Salvation.

Because in just a couple of days, I will at last hold Him in my arms.
In just a couple of days, my Messiah will finally come to save His people.
And in these few hours until He arrives, but a single prayer echoes endlessly from my lips,

Maranatha. Come, my little Lord Jesus.

Poema de Brittany Culver, asm
Voz de Luke Spehar
