The charism of the congregation is to cooperate in the New Evangelisation through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the specific countenance of the Message of Fátima.
This entails a lifestyle rooted in the truths of the Gospel, underlined by Our Lady in Cova da Iria. Of these truths, God’s centrality, the love of the Eucharistic Christ, The Immaculate Heart of Mary and of the Church stand out, as well as the desire for conversion to attain sanctity. The very mission is therefore understood based on a zeal, in the mistery of the communion of Saints, for participating in Salvation History within this specific way of life.
Under the sign of prayer and contemplation, consecrated in poverty, chastity, obedience and unity, each member of the congregation seeks to reach holiness through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In this identification with the Most Holy Mary, we wish to contribute that Christ may be borne in all Men.