On June 26, the pilgrimage of the Luminaries of Holy Mary to Fátima took place. Although the Luminary groups from the North were in greater number we also had groups from the Lisbon Patriarchate as well as a representative of the Luminaries of Holy Mary in the United States.
…our call to live in the Light that is God
and allow Him to shed His light on us…
Seeing that we are in full celebration of the Apparitions of the Angel to the three shepherd children Lúcia, Francisco and Jacinta, the theme developed by Sister Ana Luísa Castro of the Aliança de Santa Maria was based on the Apparitions. The theme of Light, so dear to all Luminaries, was discussed, underlining our call to live in the Light that is God allowing Him to shed His light on us; we were invited to look at the example of the Angel, prostrated in adoration with the little shepherd children, teaching us that adoration to God, One and Triune, is an essential element of our spiritual life; we also revisited the words of the Angel of Peace who in Fátima asked for Prayer, Reparation, Sacrifice and Communion as the way to enable us to partake in God’s Salvific work in favour of all His children.
The meeting also included a short play on the life of Blessed Jacinta Marto performed by the Luminaries of the Shepherd Children youth group.
Natalia Rocha
26 June 2016