Christmas 2023 | Peace be with you
In becoming flesh, the Word brought PEACE.In the Child we adore in the crib, we already contemplate the One who repeats on Easter morning:“Peace be with you”. (Jn 20:19)To him we entrust our world, which thirsts for Peace and cannot find it until it finds Him. The Sisters of the Alliance of Holy Mary wish […]
Holy Easter 2023
The presence of the Risen Lord, bright and beautiful, sustains our faltering steps, wipes away our tears, dispels fear, and brings to fullness the joy He promised! Let us trust in His LOVE. The General Superior of the Aliança de Santa Maria, Sr. Ângela de Fatima, wishes all family members, friends and benefactors a Happy […]
General Chapter
With great joy we communicate that the Aliança de Santa Maria, gathered in General Chapter, in Fatima, elected the new General Government of the Congregation. The sisters elected were: Sr. Ângela de Fátima Coelho, General SuperiorSr. Ana Luisa Castro, General VicarSr. Margarita Cervantes Santillán, Second CounselorSr. Maria Bernardete Oliveira, Third CounselorSr. Maria Deolinda Oliveira, Fourth Counselor We […]
[poem for Jacinta Marto]
An Open Wound I kiss the wound you gave me And your heavy burden
Luminaries of Holy Mary
Religious Profession of Seven Sisters
Basilica of the Holy Trinity, Sanctuary of Fátima
Living all things as new
Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Called to live enveloped in the Light
Pilgrimage of the Luminaries of Holy Mary, Fátima 2016
Religious profession of Sister Liliana Reis
Nossa Senhora da Oliveira Church, Guimarães
On June 4, Pentecost Sunday, we had the pilgrimage of the Luminaries of Holy Mary to Fátima